Writing and editing

Why use twenty words when ten will do just fine?
I am an experienced writer of articles, press releases, brochures, web content and speeches. I can work from a variety of source material including client supplied documents, technical content, original research or interviews. I have also edited complex manuals and large reports of sustainability studies.
I'll always go into bat for the use of plain English.
I am an experienced writer of articles, press releases, brochures, web content and speeches. I can work from a variety of source material including client supplied documents, technical content, original research or interviews. I have also edited complex manuals and large reports of sustainability studies.
I'll always go into bat for the use of plain English.
Selected writing and editing experience
- For City of Sydney (CitySwitch Program): Re-write and re-organise entire resource hub content provided for SMEs and corporate office tenants to help with their energy efficiency projects, following SEO keyword research.
- For NetBalance Foundation: A set of 'toolkits' to add to the CitySwitch resource hub on different types of workplace behaviour change and the new concept of Vertical Communities.
- For City of Sydney (Sustainability Team): Author of a concise manual for B and C grade building owners to investigate whole-of-building sustainability upgrades.
- For St Catherine's School: Rewrite of entire website, to fit new wireframes and redesign (approx. 60 content pages) in line with good SEO practice.
- For TAFE Sydney Institute (AUS): A range of materials for promotions team, including the first iPad app providing a fully interactive course guide, using images and video to share experiences of vocational education and training.
- For Empowered Systems (UK): revision of all corporate website content for a set of on-line data management and governance systems
- For Energynautics (Germany): editing an investigation of international methods for assessing impact of wind to energy grids
- For Greenpeace International:
- > Edited Energy [R]evolution A sustainable world energy outlook (2012). Over 300 pages on how to provide 94% of world energy demand in 2050 from renewable sources.
- > Edited Working for the Climate: Renewable Energy and the Green Job [R]evolution (2010). A 72-page report on the jobs forecast for a renewable energy future.
- > Edited Renewables 24/7 report into Smart Grids in Europe (2010). A 76-page report on the smart grid infrastructure required to supply 90% of Europe's electricity from renewable energy based on demand models.
- > Authored Concentrating Solar Power Outlook 2009 Why renewable energy is hot right now (2009). An 88-page report on the potential for this large-scale renewable energy technology.
- > Created the Smart Power Manual an internal guide to campaigning on energy efficiency, which expressed a number of gloabal energy savings policies, like product standards as 'power plants avoided'.
- For the European Photovoltaic Industry Association: editing the Solar Generation Outlook 2010.
- For United National High Commission for Refugees: quarterly newsletter provided to head office in Geneva and distributed to regional offices worldwide.
- For the Global Reporting Initiative: media releases, briefing notes and issues summaries for the second international conference on sustainability and transparency, held in Amsterdam 2008.
- For an international commercial real estate company: compilation of a large proposal for property performance benchmarking in UK Government.
- For an international property development company, based in the Middle East: editing and document management for a strategic sustainability assessment.
- For a large international retail property group: editor of a 2006 Corporate Responsibility Report.
- For Institute for Sustainable Futures:
- > Water Demand Management Guide, a 200-page manual on integrated resource planning process for all Australian water utilities
- > Effective Communication on Climate Change Toolkit, a user-friendly website for members of the Climate Action Network Australia
- for the Roads and Traffic Authority infrastructure projects (Australian State Government body): Community updates on roadworks and new developments.
- For Elton Consulting: Summary reports of consultations regarding transfers from the Shoalhaven River, a drought measure for domestic water provision in eastern Australia.